New Article By Michael Protzel
Why We Sit & Stand So Poorly
Presenting a New Descriptive Motor Theory To Replace the Misconceived “Posture” Paradigm
How Cultural Conditioning & Faulty Sensory Appreciation Thwart Our Understanding and Our Ability to Change
Earlier Writings
Gravity, Human Movement & Parkinsons Disease (2016)
Prepared in conjunction with an interview available at www.parkinsonsrecovery.com | Webcast 2/9/16
Preventing Interference -- Shedding New Light on Our Habitual Manner of Use (2015)
Published in the AmSAT Journal, Issue No.8, Fall 2015
Habitual vs. Innate Sitting -- A World of Difference (2015)
The Alexander Technique, Science and New Ideas (2012)
Published in Statnews, Volume 8, Issue 2, January 2013
Published in AmSAT News, Issue #75, Winter 2007
The Use of the Self -- A Missing Link (2006)
A Presentation given at the 2006 AmSAT Annual Meeting
Mapping Self Use Territory -- Reflections on Ron Dennis' Conceptual Foundations (2005)
Analyzes Alexander's observations/theories and General Semantics
Alexander's Observations and Theories (2005)
Published in Statnews, Volume 6, Issue 16, June 2005
Published in AmSAT News, Issue #67, Spring 2005
Why Do We Tense Our Necks? (2003)
Excerpt published in AmSAT News, Issue #62, Winter (2003)
Down To Earth (1999, Revised 2001)
Published in AmSAT News, Issue #45, Summer 1999